If you're struggling to maximize your earnings, you're not alone. Many creators face the same issue – platforms taking a substantial cut, leaving little for self-promotion. But here's the solution: 


Are you a frustrated course creator? Stuck on one of those "big name" platforms where they take a huge chunk of your hard-earned income? You're not alone.

Millions of creators dream of turning their knowledge into a thriving business, but platform fees and low ticket prices can leave them feeling discouraged. Listen, no one blames you, the course platform has their reasons  that they need to keep the lion's share. Just because they need it, doesn't mean that there isn't an alternate way for you to make much more money.

What if you could keep THE FULL AMOUNT that the course platform sells the course for now? Imagine no fees, only revenue created from course sales that we made and you profit as the course creator. We think that you should. What if our platform handled the marketing and advertising, spending our own money to bring you qualified students?

This isn't too good to be true. It's a reality.

We're high-ticket course specialists, and we're looking for passionate instructors like you to partner with. We see the potential in your existing course to generate serious income - not just for you, but for us too.

work with us

Here's the deal

You get to help even more students and get a chance to offer even more to the most committed students with the New Higher ticket Next Level course.

  • Effortless income boost: We handle marketing & advertising, so you can focus on creating & keeping all your current course profits.

  • You keep 100% of the profits from your current course. We don't touch a dime.

  • To be clear: Whatever your course sells for on Udemy  or any other platform you may offer it on goes into your pocket. How cool is that? More about this on the call.

  • Then we build and sell a high-ticket "upsell" course that complements your existing content. This gives your motivated students the "next level" they crave, while boosting your overall income. Then we share revenue from the sales of that course with you. We do want you to  teach it but we will create it. It’s a no brainer offer.

  • We handle ALL the marketing and advertising. We invest our own money to promote your course and bring you new students.

There's no risk for you. If the high-ticket course doesn't sell, we take the hit. You win no matter what!

Sound too good to be true?

That's what most people say. But we're serious about helping you succeed. We've seen the power of this model firsthand, and we're confident it can transform your course business.

Here's what you get

An opportunity to empower students with a transformative course that propels them toward unprecedented success.

  • A chance to finally keep all your course earnings and skyrocket your income.

  • Increased income: Keep 100% of your current sales, plus additional revenue from the high-ticket upsell.

  • Expert marketing: Benefit from our proven strategies and advertising dollars.

  • Passive income: Enjoy a steady stream of income without the daily grind.

Ready to take your course business to the next level?

Book a free call with us today to see if we're a good fit. We will answer all of your concerns about how it works for both you and the students.


Explore the success stories of our clients in these brief testimonials. Learn how Sharpening Your Axe has empowered businesses, boosting income and expanding audience reach through innovative strategies and valuable upsell opportunities.

Sharpening Your Axe transformed my course income! They built a high-ticket upsell, handled marketing, and I kept 100% of my original sales—finally earning what my expertise deserves. A must for breaking free from platform limitations!"


Photography Educator

Partnering with Sharpening Your Axe was my smartest move as a course creator. They crafted a natural high-value upsell, boosting my earnings and providing more value to my students. A win-win situation!


Web Design Instructor

The zero-risk approach paid off! Sharpening Your Axe created a fantastic upsell, acted as my dedicated sales team, and I kept all my original course profits. I wish I knew about this sooner!


Marketing Consultant

Sharpening Your Axe helped me break free from low prices and limited reach. Their high-ticket upsell strategy resulted in significant income growth, and I didn't have to change a thing. A game-changer for course creators!


Personal Development

Seize the opportunity to maximize your profits and explore real partnership benefits

P.S. This offer won't last forever. Spots are limited, so don't miss out on this chance to finally keep all the profit from your hard work!

P.P.S. We're not selling you anything. This is a genuine partnership opportunity. Let's chat and see if we can build something amazing together!